Member-only story
BeReal is the hot new name in social networks. So hot that Instagram and TikTok are trying to emulate it.
How does BeReal work?
The way BeReal works is it prompts users to take one unedited photo a day at a random time, which changes daily. Users then have two minutes to take a photo and post it to the app before it’s marked as late.
A Single Player BeReal
At a random time during the day, write a note or take a photo of whatever you are doing.
Effectively, you are sampling yourself at random points in time.
Being a single player, you might increase the sampling frequency to be at a random time in each hour during day time.
Over time you will collect these moments and be able to make some deductions about your life.
Time Tracking by Sampling
This sampling amounts to a simple form of time tracking, with the hustle of the start and stop of a time clock.
What Can You Learn About Yourself
How is the bulk of your time being spent? If you are a freelancer, consultant, creator, artist, or solopreneur, you switch tasks and activities often. Maybe a large part of your time is spent contemplating or reading.